Message From The Immediate Past President


President, WScS, Ioannis PolythodorakisDear Colleagues, Dear Members, Dear Friends,

It is with great honour I accept the society’s nomination of President of World Spinal Column Society. It is my greatest delight for the trust and faith the Board of Directors bestowed in me as the incoming President of this Society. With all the opportunities and challenges that come with my acceptance to serve us all, I am of the belief that this journey will not be a smooth one if I am to walk it alone.

Our Society has a great history that spans 18 years, and this is a history that should never be forgotten, and we the current generation of administrators owe it to all the society’s past members to keep this great society strong and vibrant as we face the challenges that confront us now and into the future.

For those who know me well, you will know that I will always do the very best I can for the society and will hopefully lead a team of members, administrators and friends of the society to continue the splendid work done by the people before me. I will always strive to continue the development of the society, through leadership, co-operation and hard work.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing President Sait Naderi for the work he has undertaken all these years as part of our Board of Directors, editor of our magazine and the past two years as President. He has led the society admirably in a period where we have had considerable challenges.

On behalf of you all I wish to take this opportunity to thank Vice-President Salman Sharif, Treasurer Lillian Angelov, Secretary Sandeep Vaishya and Co-Secretary Paulo Pereira for their work and commitment to our society’s prosperity and I hope that with their cooperation we will all together manage to expand our society.


President, WScS
Ioannis Polythodorakis

Case of the month

Become a member and submit your own case. Members are encouraged to submit teaching cases to the coordinators via the central email address. They can also comment every case in the forum.

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World Spinal Column Ebook Minimally Invasive Spine


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World Neurosurgery

World Neurosurgery has an open access mirror journal World Neurosurgery: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.

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We invite you to become a Founding Partner of the World Spinal Column Society with an unrestricted educational grant. Your grant will help us to successfully launch the organization...

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